
Guide4UK – Your Friend Abroad

Guide4UK is a student help agency providing personalised help and support for international students coming to the UK. If you are thinking about studying in the UK but are worried about how to cope with UK life, then Guide4UK is here to take your worries away. We can provide all the information and assistance you will need to have a safe and successful stay in the UK.

About us

Kul & Mahi began their journey in February 2007 on an Air India flight to Cardiff, UK where they started their student life. They had some of the best years of their lives as students; however, they wished they had received guidance to help prepare them for life in the UK.

After graduating, moving to London, getting married and having two adorable kids, they received lots of requests for advice on studying abroad and how to live, survive and settle in the UK. The idea for Guide4UK was born.

Guide4UK is here to give a friendly and personalised service to students. We want to help you have a smooth transition from life back home in India to new settings in the UK. Together we will help you find a home away from home, just like we did!